Artigo: Correlação entre o crescimento craniofacial e as alturas corporais superior e inferior em indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe I - Journal 2018 v23n2 - DPJO

Journal 2018 v23n2

Journal 2018 v23n2

Correlação entre o crescimento craniofacial e as alturas corporais superior e inferior em indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe I

Artigo Original

Autores: Carlos Flores Mir, Thikriat S. Al Jewair, Charles Brian Preston, Paul Ziarnowski, 

Point of equilibrium
Point of equilibrium

Historically, humanity alternates cycles in its relentless search for explanations in the most diverse spheres, such as arts, philosophy or science. This restlessness, which is inherent to our species, seems to be followed by a certain conflict, because of ingrained beliefs or of habits that we wish to become permanent, be it for protective reasons or for comfort, or simply to establish a point of view.

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The patient’s collaboration regarding the use of extra- oral appliances is a practically impossible task nowadays. With the advent of absolute anchorage using miniimplants, the anchorage problems were solved, favoring greater predictability for orthodontic treatment. The popularization of mini-implants was due not only to its effectiveness in maintaining the anchorage, but also due to its insertion ease, small size and low cost. Despite all the positive aspects, mini-implants may fail, and...

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