Journal 2019 v24n6- Compra de artigo - Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics
Journal 2019 v24n6

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Tratamento ortodôntico com erupção passiva e mesialização de terceiro molar semi-impactado em adulto com múltiplas perdas dentárias

No mundo digital, todos os caminhos levam a Roma. Mas será que Roma está preparada?

É Possível Protrair A Maxila Com Mini-implantes Ortodônticos Associados A Elásticos Intermaxilares

Dentes não irrompidos:  o seu lugar é na arcada dentária. Busquemos!

Efeito de curativos de naproxeno no alívio da dor ortodôntica: estudo de boca dividida, com avaliação por meio de EVA e do fator inflamatório IL-1β

Questionário “Impacto da Má Oclusão na Qualidade de Vida” (MRQoLQ): desenvolvimento e validação de uma nova ferramenta psicométrica para adolescentes

Eficácia da nano-hidroxiapatita associada ao fluoreto na prevenção da desmineralização do esmalte adjacente aos braquetes ortodônticos: estudo in situ

Efeitos dentoesqueléticos e tegumentares do aparelho Distal Jet: estudo clínico prospectivo

Prevalência da transmigração de caninos inferiores

Carga ortodôntica imediata em implantes dentários: uma alternativa de tratamento em adultos

Mídias/redes sociais e Odontologia: aspectos éticos e legais

Editorial Board
Editorial Board


In the digital world, all roads lead to Rome. But is Rome prepared?
In the digital world, all roads lead to Rome. But is Rome prepared?

The Americans William Straus, author and playwright, and Neil Howe, historian, published in 1991 the book “Generations: The history of America’s future, 1584 to 2069”1, in which they proposed the idea that generations influence society. The Strauss-Howe generation theory describes a recurrent cycle of same-aged groups with specific behavior patterns that change every 20 years. According to this theory, an 80-year cycle is crucial, when every four generations is associated to a crisis...


Impacted teeth: Their place is in the dental arch
Impacted teeth: Their place is in the dental arch

The starting point for the treatment of unerupted teeth should consider the fact that, biologically, the pericoronal follicle maintains the ability to release EGF and other mediators responsible for eruption over time. The eruptive events may be guided and directed, so that teeth may occupy the space prepared to receive them in the dental arch, as showed in the case presented to evidence the following principle to be considered in these cases: “Regardless of the position of an unerupted...


The effect of naproxen patches on relieving orthodontic pain by evaluation of VAS and IL-1β inflammatory factor: a split-mouth study
The effect of naproxen patches on relieving orthodontic pain by evaluation of VAS and IL-1β inflammatory factor: a split-mouth study

Introduction: Pain related to orthodontic tooth movement is common and cause dissatisfaction and discomfort. Objective: The present study aimed to compare the efficacy of naproxen patches in pain control during orthodontic tooth separation, by means of visual analogue scale (VAS) and interleukin 1β (IL-1β) levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). Methods: In this split-mouth triple-blind clinical trial, with 40 patients following separation, 5% naproxen or placebo patches were randomly...


Malocclusion-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire (MRQoLQ): Development and validation of a new psychometric tool for older adolescents with malocclusion
Malocclusion-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire (MRQoLQ): Development and validation of a new psychometric tool for older adolescents with malocclusion

Objective: To develop and validate a new psychometric tool for assessing malocclusion-related quality of life among older Indian adolescents. Methods: Item generation involved analysis of existing validated tools, followed by development of new items using various qualitative steps. A draft item pool of 41 questions was initially generated and subjected to item reduction through sequential steps involving two clinical studies to ensure reliability and validity. 431 subjects aged between 15...


Orthodontic treatment with passive eruption and mesialization of semi-impacted mandibular third molar in an adult with multiple dental losses
Orthodontic treatment with passive eruption and mesialization of semi-impacted mandibular third molar in an adult with multiple dental losses

Objective: This article describes the orthodontic treatment performed on an adult patient with multiple dental losses. Case report: A female patient, 20 years and 4 months old, presented with the following conditions: absence of teeth #26, #35, #36 and #46; semi-impacted tooth #48; inclined molars adjacent to an edentulous space; canines and premolars in a Class II relationship; a convex profile; biprotrusion; and forced lip sealing. Results: Space in the region of tooth #26 was closed, as...


Efficacy of fluoride associated with nano-hydroxyapatite in reducing enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets: in situ study
Efficacy of fluoride associated with nano-hydroxyapatite in reducing enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets: in situ study

Objective: To assess in situ the effect of fluoride associated with nano-hydroxyapatite for the prevention of demineralization of the enamel adjacent to orthodontic brackets. Material and Methods: Eight volunteers wore palatal devices prepared with 6 bovine enamel blocks (5 x 5 x 2 mm) with bonded brackets. The volunteers used the devices in two different moments of 14 days each. During the first 14 days, a product containing fluoride + nano-hydroxyapatite was applied twice (experimental group,...


Dental, skeletal and soft tissue effects of the Distal Jet appliance: A prospective clinical study
Dental, skeletal and soft tissue effects of the Distal Jet appliance: A prospective clinical study

Objective: This study evaluated the dental, skeletal and soft tissue effects in Class II malocclusion patients treated with Distal Jet appliance, compared to an untreated control group. Methods: 44 patients with Class II malocclusion were divided into two groups: Group 1 (experimental) – 22 patients, mean age of 12.7 years, treated with the Distal Jet appliance for a mean period of 1.2 years; Group 2 (control) – 22 untreated patients, mean age of 12.2 years, followed by a mean period of 1.2...


Investigation of transmigrated mandibular canines
Investigation of transmigrated mandibular canines

Introduction: Canine transmigration is a rare orthodontic condition and it is relevant to perform the proper diagnose at an early age. Objective: The aim of the current study was to find out the frequency of transmigrated mandibular canines (TRC) in orthodontic patients obtained from South Asian population of Pakistan origin. Methods: Panoramic radiographs of 2,550 untreated orthodontic patients (1,248 males; 1,302 females) were included, to investigate the presence, site, and type of TRC....


Immediate orthodontic load on dental implants: an option for adult treatment
Immediate orthodontic load on dental implants: an option for adult treatment

The demand for orthodontic treatment in adults has been increasing. However, these patients often require a multidisciplinary approach, due to the lack of posterior teeth, requiring additional anchorage. The skeletal anchorage by endosseous implants is an option, since they may be used later for prosthetic rehabilitation. The application of immediate load on these appliances for orthodontic movement may reduce the costs and total treatment time. This paper discusses the utilization of...


Social media and Dentistry: ethical and legal aspects
Social media and Dentistry: ethical and legal aspects

Introduction: In a saturated market with an over-supply of undergraduate and graduate programs, social media have become attractive means of advertising in Dentistry. However, posts frequently contain ethical violations and lead to service commodification, and their contents are often in disagreement with the Code of Consumer Protection. Objective: This article, which focuses on ethical and legal developments, contributes to the discussion and elucidation of questions associated with...


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