Journal 2016 v21n4- Compra de artigo - Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics
Journal 2016 v21n4

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Functional Aesthetic Occlusal Plane (FAOP)
Functional Aesthetic Occlusal Plane (FAOP)

Introduction: A reasonable exposure of incisors and gingival tissues is generally considered more attractive than excess or lack of exposure. A reasonable gingival exposure is considered to be around 0 to 2 mm when smiling and 2-4 mm exposure of the maxillary incisor edge when the lips are at rest. Objective: The aim of this paper is to present the Functional Aesthetic Occlusal Plane (FAOP), which aims to help in the diagnosis of the relationships established among molars, incisors and the...


Ciência e impacto: o desafio do Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics

Pressão digital ou sugestão positiva: diferentes maneiras de se evitar a dor durante a descolagem dos braquetes

Expansão rápida da maxila assistida com mini-implantes (MARPE): a busca por um movimento ortopédico puro

Uma entrevista com Kotaro Tanimoto

Influência do método de ligação sobre a resistência ao atrito em braquetes linguais com diferentes angulações de segunda ordem: um estudo in vitro

Desempenho diagnóstico de diferentes medidas cefalométricas para avaliação do padrão de crescimento vertical

Comparação das alterações nos tecidos moles em casos limítrofes de Classe I tratados com extrações e sem extrações

Limpeza de braquetes ortodônticos usando jatos de bicarbonato de sódio: efeito sobre a força de atrito e os níveis de detritos

Set de radiografias digitais para Ortodontia versus tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico: avaliação da dose efetiva

Existe associação entre assimetria esquelética e ausência dentária?

Comparação entre dois braquetes ortodônticos linguais, quanto à influência na fala e aceitação dos pacientes, usados em casos com má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1: estudo clínico randomizado

Tratamento compensatório de má oclusão de Classe III esquelética com miniplaca: relato de caso

Má oclusão de Classe II associada a deficiência mandibular, com apinhamento superior e inferior: acompanhamento de oito anos pós-tratamento

Plano Oclusal Estético Funcional

Editorial Board

Science and impact: the challenge faced by Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics
Science and impact: the challenge faced by Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics

Every year, in June, the major databases publish the impact exerted by scientific periodicals in the scientific context. While Thompson Reuters quantifies it as the journal’s impact factor, SCImago database terms it cites per doc. However, both estimate the average number of citations of articles published in a certain periodical. The methods are very similar, with the only difference being the number of periodicals indexed in each database. Recently, in June 2016, data on the citations...


orthodontics highlights
orthodontics highlights

Pain is a frequent and commonplace feeling reported by patients using braces. The need of inducing inflammation for tooth movement to take place is no secret to anyone. Pain arising from orthodontic appliance activation is important and necessary, but other discomforts during treatment should be avoided for the well-being of our patients. When thinking of other discomforts during therapy with fixed orthodontic appliances, the stage of removing orthodontic brackets comes to our mind. Various...


Miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE): the quest for pure orthopedic movement
Miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE): the quest for pure orthopedic movement

The midpalatal suture has bone margins with thick connective tissue interposed between them, and it does not represent the fusion of maxillary palatal processes only, but also the fusion of palatal processes of the jaws and horizontal osseous laminae of palatal bones. Changing it implies affecting neighboring areas. It has got three segments that should be considered by all clinical analyses, whether therapeutic or experimental: the anterior segment (before the incisive foramen, or...


An interview with Kotaro Tanimoto
An interview with Kotaro Tanimoto

If I had to describe Tanimoto Sensei using a single word I would say kindness. When I was attending the PhD course in Hiroshima University, I frequently looked at him and thought: “If I have the chance to be an educator, I would like to be like that man.” The generosity, respect and friendship he employed to treat the students is fascinating. By that time, Professor Tanimoto had just come back from his post-doc in the USA full of ideas and dreams. Since that, many of the ideas had become...


Influence of ligation method on friction resistance of lingual brackets with different second-order angulations: an in vitro study
Influence of ligation method on friction resistance of lingual brackets with different second-order angulations: an in vitro study

Objective: To evaluate stainless steel archwire static friction in active and passive self-ligating lingual and conventional brackets with second-order angulations. Methods: Two conventional lingual brackets for canines (STb light/Ormco; PSWb/Tecnident), and two self-ligating brackets, one active (In-Ovation L/GAC) and the other passive (3D/ Forestadent), were evaluated. A stainless steel archwire was used at 0°, 3° and 5° angulations. Metal ligatures, conventional elastic ligatures, and low...


Diagnostic performance of various cephalometric parameters for the assessment of vertical growth pattern
Diagnostic performance of various cephalometric parameters for the assessment of vertical growth pattern

Introduction: Multiple cephalometric analyses are used to diagnose vertical skeletal facial discrepancy. A multitude of times, these parameters show conflicting results, and a specific diagnosis is hard to reach. Objective: Hence, this study aimed to identify the skeletal analysis that performs best for the identification of vertical skeletal pattern in borderline cases. Methods: The sample consisted of 161 subjects (71 males and 90 females; mean age = 23.6 ± 4.6 years). Y-axis, Sella-...


Comparative evaluation of soft tissue changes in Class I borderline patients treated with extraction and nonextraction modalities
Comparative evaluation of soft tissue changes in Class I borderline patients treated with extraction and nonextraction modalities

Objective: To compare soft tissue changes in Class I borderline cases treated with extraction and nonextraction modalities. Methods: A parent sample of 150 patients with Class I dental and skeletal malocclusion (89 patients treated with premolar extraction and 61 patients without extraction) was randomly selected and subjected to discriminant analysis which identified the borderline sample of 44 patients (22 extraction and 22 nonextraction patients). Pretreatment and posttreatment...


Cleansing orthodontic brackets with air-powder polishing: effects on frictional force and degree of debris
Cleansing orthodontic brackets with air-powder polishing: effects on frictional force and degree of debris

Introduction: Debris buildup on the bracket-wire interface can influence friction. Cleansing brackets with air-powder polishing can affect this process. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frictional force and amount of debris remaining on orthodontic brackets subjected to prophylaxis with air-powder polishing. Methods: Frictional force and debris buildup on the surface of 28 premolar brackets were evaluated after orthodontic treatment. In one hemiarch, each bracket was...


Digital orthodontic radiographic set versus cone-beam computed tomography: an evaluation of the effective dose
Digital orthodontic radiographic set versus cone-beam computed tomography: an evaluation of the effective dose

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the equivalent and effective doses of different digital radiographic methods (panoramic, lateral cephalometric and periapical) with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Precalibrated thermoluminescent dosimeters were placed at 24 locations in an anthropomorphic phantom (Alderson Rando Phantom, Alderson Research Laboratories, New York, NY, USA), representing a medium sized adult. The following devices were tested: Heliodent Plus (Sirona...


Is there an association between skeletal asymmetry and tooth absence?
Is there an association between skeletal asymmetry and tooth absence?

Introduction: Facial skeletal asymmetry is commonly found in humans and its main characteristic is menton deviation. The literature suggests that occlusal and masticatory problems arising from tooth absence could be related to the development of such asymmetries. Objective: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to estimate the prevalence of mandibular skeletal asymmetries and to investigate its association with posterior tooth absences. Methods: Tomographic images of 952 individuals aged...


A comparison between two lingual orthodontic brackets in terms of speech performance and patients’ acceptance in correcting Class II, Division 1 malocclusion: a randomized controlled trial
A comparison between two lingual orthodontic brackets in terms of speech performance and patients’ acceptance in correcting Class II, Division 1 malocclusion: a randomized controlled trial

Objective: To compare speech performance and levels of oral impairment between two types of lingual brackets. Methods: A parallel-group randomized controlled trial was carried out on patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusion treated at the University of Hama School of Dentistry in Hama, Syria. A total of 46 participants (mean age: 22.3 ± 2.3 years) with maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion were randomly distributed into two groups with 23 patients each (1:1 allocation ratio). Either STb...


Orthodontic camouflage of skeletal Class III malocclusion with miniplate: a case report
Orthodontic camouflage of skeletal Class III malocclusion with miniplate: a case report

Introduction: Skeletal Class III malocclusion is often referred for orthodontic treatment combined with orthognathic surgery. However, with the aid of miniplates, some moderate discrepancies become feasible to be treated without surgery. Objective: To report the case of a 24-year-old man with severe skeletal Angle Class III malocclusion with anterior crossbite and a consequent concave facial profile. Methods: The patient refused to undergo orthognathic surgery; therefore, orthodontic camouflage...


Class II malocclusion associated with mandibular deficiency and maxillary and mandibular crowding: follow-up evaluation eight years after treatment completion
Class II malocclusion associated with mandibular deficiency and maxillary and mandibular crowding: follow-up evaluation eight years after treatment completion

This report describes the correction of a clinical case of malocclusion with anteroposterior discrepancy and transverse, sagittal and vertical deficiencies. A nonextraction technique was used to preserve space in the dental arches and control facial growth for the correction of the sagittal skeletal relationship and of overbite. The mechanics adopted efficiently corrected malocclusion: all functional and esthetic goals were achieved, and results remained stable eight years after treatment...


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